March 25, 2025, Agenda Meeting
4:00 PM
To set
the agenda for April 1, 2025, Board of Directors Meeting
6:00 PM
Legislative Update
To authorize the
City Manager to enter into a contract with Cromwell
Architects and Engineers, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $75,600.00, for
the City Hall Emergency Wall Repair Project; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: Authorizes the City Manager to
execute an agreement with Cromwell Architects and Engineers, Inc. for the
analysis and design of a failing retaining wall in the parking lot behind
City Hall. |
To authorize the
City Manager to enter into a contract with Flynco,
Inc., in an amount not to exceed $11,332,000.00, to provide renovations and
upgrades for the City of Little Rock Zoo’s 2025 Entry Bond Project; and for
other purposes. Staff recommends approval. |
To authorize the
City Manager to add funds to the Little Rock Zoo’s existing contract with
Little Rock Repair Shop in an amount not to exceed $15,200.00, for
continuation of services on the “Over the Jumps” Carousel’s Restoration; and
for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: The Little Rock Zoo seeks a resolution to authorize the
addition of funds to an existing contract with Little Rock Repair Shop for a
continuation of restoration services on the “Over The
Jumps” Carousel. |
To authorize the
City Manager to purchase the property located at 3600 W. 11th
Street Little Rock, Arkansas, for Facility Based Housing using U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: A resolution to
authorize the City Manager to purchase the structure
located at 3600 W. 11th Little Rock AR 72204 from Florence
Crittendon Home for facility-based housing. |
Authorizing the
abandonment and demolition of nine (9) residential structures severely
dilapidated causing a life safety hazard and negative environmental impacts; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. |
ORDINANCE (information forthcoming) |
To declare it impractical and unfeasible to bid;
to authorize the City Manager to enter into a fourth
contract amendment with SoundThinking, Inc.
(formerly ShotSpotter, Inc.), for the renewal of the wide-area Gunshot
Detection Service for the Little Rock Police Department; and for other
purposes. Synopsis: An ordinance to authorize the City Manager
to enter into a fourth contract amendment with SoundThinking, Inc. (formerly ShotSpotter, Inc.), for the
renewal of the wide-area gunshot detection service for the Little Rock Police
Department. |
AGENDA (Items 1 – 8) |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Castillo Concrete Pool and Spa,
Inc., in an amount not to exceed $187,446.00, for the Pine Summit Court Drainage
Improvement Project; and for other purposes. (Funding from the Limited Tax General Obligation Capital Improvement
Bonds) Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: Authorize the City Manager
to execute an agreement with Castillo Concrete Pool and Spa, Inc. for Pine
Summit Court Drainage. (Located in Ward 6) |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with H.W. Tucker Company, Inc., in
an amount not to exceed $435,094.80, for the Preston Drive Area Drainage
(phase 1-Moore Drive Reconstruction) Improvement Project; and for other
purposes. (Funding from the Limited
Tax General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds) Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: Authorize the City Manager
to execute an agreement with H.W. Tucker Company, Inc., for Preston Drive
Area Drainage, (Phase 1 - Moore Drive Reconstruction). . (Located in Ward 7) |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Swayze, LLC, in an amount not
to exceed $372,484.80, for the West 24th Street Reconstruction
Project; and for other purposes. (Funding from the Limited Tax General Obligation Capital Improvement
Bonds) Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: Authorizes
the City Manager to execute an agreement with
Swayze, LLC for the West 24th Street Reconstruction Project.
(Located in Ward 1) |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Swayze, LLC, in an amount not
to exceed $240,588.00, for the Autumn Road Widening Improvement Project; and
for other purposes. (Funding from the Limited Tax General Obligation Capital Improvement
Bonds) Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: A resolution to authorize the City Manager
to enter into a contract with Swayze, LLC, for the
Autumn Road Widening Improvement Project.
(Located in Ward 4) |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a construction contract with Landscape
Structures, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $900,000.00, plus applicable
taxes and fees, for construction of an accessible playground at Reservoir
Park; and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: A
resolution to authorize the Acting City Manager to enter
into a contract with Landscape Structures for a new playground at
Reservoir Park. |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Unmanned Vehicle Technologies,
Inc., in an amount not to exceed $56,024.78, plus applicable taxes and fees,
for the purchase of six (6) Anzu Robotics Raptor T Dones and related
equipment, to equip the Little Rock Police Department with Aerial Drones; and
for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: A
resolution to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with
Unmanned Vehicle Technologies, Inc. (“UVT”), for the purchase
of 6 Anzu Robotics Raptor T drones, including related equipment, software,
support and product protection plan for LRPD use to develop a patrol-based
drone response team and Secure Operations with Aerial Response (SOAR)
Program. |
To authorize the City Manager to utilize the
Arkansas Department of Transportation Active List of Suppliers and Bid Prices
in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00, for the purchase of Aggregate for the
Public Works Department Solid Waste Division, and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: Resolution
to authorize the City Manager to utilize the Arkansas Department of
Transportation list of suppliers and bid prices for the purchase of aggregate
materials as needed in an amount not to exceed Two Hundred Thousand Dollars
($200,000.00) for a period of one year to be utilized for building roads
within the Landfill to allow ingress and egress to Landfill cells. |
To authorize the City Manager to enter into a ninety (90)-day extension of the existing
contract with Risk Management Resources for continued third-party
Administration of the City’s Self-Funded Workers’ Compensation Program from
April 1, 2025, to June 30, 2025; and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: A
resolution to authorize the City Manager to extend the 3-month extension of
the Third-Party Administration Agreement from March 31, 2025, to June 30,
2025, with Risk Management Resources for third-party administration of the
City’s Self-Funded Workers’ Compensation Program. If adopted, this resolution
would ensure continuity of services and facilitate the competitive Request
for Proposals (RFP) process for future administration services. |
SEPARATE ITEMS (Items 9 - 13) |
amend Chapter 20, Article I, §§ 20-1 and 20-2 of the Little Rock Code of
Ordinances (1988); to declare an emergency; and for other
Staff recommends approval. Synopsis:
An ordinance amending the Little Rock City Code to allow for the immediate
issuance of citations for certain nuisance violations, including illegal
residential yard parking and overgrown vegetation. The ordinance also
establishes a fine schedule for repeat offenses and updates procedures for
notice and enforcement. |
amend Chapter 20, Article II, §§ 20-28, and 20-32 of the Little Rock Code of
Ordinances (1988) to provide for a revision of the procedures concerning
appellate review of notices to vacate; provide for notice and opportunity to
be heard for emergency abatements; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes. Staff
recommends approval. Synopsis: An
Ordinance amending the Little Rock City Code to require emergency abatement
placards to contain information regarding appeals to notices to vacate and
emergency abatement actions. This also adds an emergency abatement appeals
process in which the owner of any building deemed unsafe or dangerous to life
and limb can request an emergency hearing before the City Manager and any
non-owner resident can get an expedited appeal hearing before the Board of
Adjustment. |
amend Chapter 36, Article VIII, §§ 36-513 of the Little Rock Code of
Ordinances (1988) to provide for a revision of the Ordinance regarding motor
vehicle parking on residential properties; to declare an emergency;
and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: The ordinance amending the regulations
on motor vehicle parking on residential properties and providing clearer
guidelines on driveway and parking pad requirements, prohibited parking
activities, and the process for obtaining variances. |
declare it impractical and unfeasible to bid; to authorize the City Manager
to enter into a one (1)-year software subscription
contract with Sound Thinking, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $39,500.00,
plus applicable taxes and fees, for CaseBuilder Digital Case Management
Solution; and for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: A sole-source ordinance to authorize
the City Manager to enter into a contract with Sound
Thinking, Inc. for CaseBuilder, an annual digital case management software
subscription for LRPD’s Real-Time Crime Center. |
declare it impractical and unfeasible to bid; to award a contract for
elevator Maintenance to TK Elevator Corporation for the Two (2) Parking Decks
located at the intersection of 2nd and Main Street, and in the
River Market; to make this payment through the Little Rock Convention and
Visitor’s Bureau (“LRCVB”) in order to ensure the proper operation of the
Elevators at the City Parking Facilities; to Declare an Emergency; and
for other purposes. Staff recommends approval. Synopsis: An ordinance to dispense with the
requirements of competitive bids for elevator maintenance for the 2nd
and Main and River Market Parking Decks.
Boards &
Commission Appointments |